Urinary tract infections, or “UTIs”, are infections that affect the bladder and/or the kidneys.
• Burning when you urinate
• Needing to urinate frequently
• Blood in the urine
• Fever or feeling unwell
• Back pain
• Nausea or vomiting
• Start with contacting your family doctor or walk in clinic. They may order urine tests and will initiate treatment.
• Most urinary tract infections are treated with antibiotic medications. Bladder infections are typically treated for 3-7 days, depending on your medical history. Kidney infections may require hospitalization or intravenous antibiotics.
• Drink more fluid, especially water! (Your urine should be clear like water coming out of the tap)
• Urinate every 2-3 hours, even before you feel like you have to go
• Ensure you are having a bowel movement daily
• Urinate after sex
• Vaginal estrogen for women who have gone through menopause
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